
to Careful kids


KA210-SCH - Small-scale partnerships in school education



In our students who grow up with extraordinary exposure to technology in concrete piles where dominated by the globalizing world and digitalized life have a high level of hyperactivity, distraction, tendency to violence, etc. maladaptive behaviors. Contributing to the physical, spiritual and mental development of our students and ensuring their social-emotional well-being can only be possible by applying activities that increase the level of motivation and attention in our schools.

Paying attention in all aspects of life brings success. Attention is the most important point of learning things and being able to take career steps. Attention can be defined as a state of awareness. It also means that the brain is alert to what is happening in the environment and recognizes and perceives all that is happening. Attention plays a major role in the emergence of intelligence in children. It is a very important issue both academically and vitally.

Therefore, developing attention in children is one of the issues that teachers should care about. Young children may experience attention deficits and may easily be distracted in any possible situation. Today, there are many factors that will distract children especially during this period of increasing use of technology. One of these factors is the Internet. If the children are still young and struggle with many distractions, this will deal major blow to his educational life in the future. That is why it is necessary to teach children to gather attention and strengthen attention. If children get a good education, they will also be more likely to stay away from bad habits. For this reason, children's attention and motivation skills should be supported by Orienteering (visual), Rhythm (Auditory), Mindfulness (Motivation), Intelligence Games (Concentration, Problem Solving) activities.

Theaimaimof project


In the field of "Attention and Motivation" in preschool education, our aim is to make up for our shortcomings by observing the professional competence of our teachers and the work of our partners in Europe in this area, and then to increase the capacity of our institutions by conveying on these knowledge and experiences to our students and institutions.



Our teachers gain craft knowledge, skills and experience in these areas in order to realize attention and motivation in preschool education through Mindfulness, Intelligence Games, Orienteering, Rhythm activities.
To be able to integrate activities about attention and motivation into our school subject contents.
To produce a guide material for Attention and Motivation activities for preschool education.
To increase our rate of attention-motivation activities in our schools from 15% to 30%.


  • Increasing the professional skills of our teachers on the attention and motivation activities,
  • Increasing the quality and capacity of our institution,
  • Examining the benefits of using awareness activities in order to prevent the lack of motivation skills of our students on a European perspective,
  • Eliminating the inadequacy of our our teachers in mindfulness, orienteering, rhythm and intelligence games activities,
  • Our students learn to know themselves and their feelings, to express themselves correctly, to stay in the moment, to cope with stress through their teachers,
  • Development of foreign language knowledge of our teachers,
  • Our teachers gain awareness of European citizenship,
  • The development of our teachers’ dialogues by sharing with their European colleagues,
  • Our school's leadership in encouraging other institutions in preparing and carrying out EU projects,
  • Ensuring the internationalization of our institution
  • Gaining experience in writing and carrying out Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects,
  • Introduction of our own country in Europe, recognition of European countries,
  • As a result of solving the social-emotional problems of the students will be achieved the results such as reducing stress, self-control, increasing motivation and gaining compatible-happy students



Dječji vrtić “Pahuljica” is currently providing services for 260 children (1 to 7 years old). The work of the kindergarten is organized in 14 departments, of which 4 are nurseries and 10 are kindergarten groups. In order to harmonize the needs of busy parents (especially during high season, when the island is flooded by tourists from all corners of the world), Dječji vrtić “Pahuljica” has established an innovative scheme offering organized nursery and kindergarten services for children whose parents work second shifts, thus providing further support to families who mainly work in the service and hospitality industry.

Apart from offering the regular 10-hour kindergarten and nursery program, the kindergarten provides special, enriched programs for children that have been accredited by the Ministry of Education:

  • Early English learning
  • Puppet-stage
  • Music education
  • Catholic religion

The kindergarten also offers services for parents, such as:

  • Workshops Let’s grow together
  • Parents’ club
  • Workshops Let’s grow together plus (for parents who have children with special needs)
  • Parents’ club plus (for parents who have children with special needs)
  • Fathers’ club (workshops for fathers)
  • Workshops Let’s grow together mini (on line workshops during Covid pandemic)


There are 10 preschool, 1 counselor teacher, 2 administrators, 1 officer and 2 auxiliary personnel in our preschool education institution, which was established in 2005. under the Ministry of National Education. We apply the Ministry of National Education pre-school education curriculum, which was developed with the aim of ensuring that children grow up healthy through enriched learning experiences, reach the highest level by supporting all their developmental areas, gain self-care skills and be ready for basic education.

Our lessons consist of Turkish language, Art, Drama, Music, Activities, Games, Science, Mathematics, Literacy Preparation and Field Trips. In addition, there are programs such as game therapy that we apply within the framework of Guidance and Psychological Counseling.

Our education language is Turkish and the education is given to students aged 4-6 years. Our school has students with special needs and foreign students. We strive to support our students with activity.

We help children to grow up as individuals who adopt human love, are self-confident, can communicate well with the others, are honest, principled, modern, thoughtful, aware of their rights and responsibilities, are respectful and tolerant in cultural diversity, are mentally, physically and psychologically healthy.

We carry out activities in the areas of Turkish language, Art, Drama, Music, Activities, Games, Science, Mathematics, Literacy Preparation and Field Trips with the aim of providing conditions in accordance with the preschool regulations. Apart from these subjects and activities, workshops and ateliers prepared according to the needs of the students and activities such as sports activities and healthy life are carried out at time with the support of both local governments and Non-Governmental Organizations. In addition, our students are supported mentally and psychologically by our qualified and experienced educators.


It is a private primary school located in forestland in Inegöl district of Bursa. There are 24 teachers and 93 children between the ages of 3 and 7 in our school. Our primary focus in education planning is to support children's feelings of curiosity, motivate them to explore and learn, and to arouse their excitement.

We have a forest in the school garden, a large garden forvegetables and fruits, 2 playgrounds for students, a wooden cottage for Art and Music lessons. We carry out many activities in Science, Turkish, Foreign Language, Game, Cognitive activities, Art activities, Music activities classes. We do Orff, rhythm and creative dance activities in our music lessons and also various fun experiments, insect observation and orienteering activities in our science-nature activities. We include cognitive activity classes and intelligence games at start of the day. We support the social-emotional development of our students with various activities. We practice kids yoga and Filial family.

Our school is surrounded by a very beautiful nature and the students are familiar with the surrounding nature. In addition, students are very knowledgeable about plants, both domestic and wild animals. Many of the students go fishing, pick olives and do gardening. The school's teachers and students have been involved in many different local environmental projects and researches and will share all the knowledge and expertise gained in previous activities in this new nature-oriented project.


DES (Interactive European School) is a special bilingual nursery, kindergarten and primary school.The primary school is located on 20 acres on a hill in Varkiza that is a seaside suburb. It is about 12.4 miles from the center of Athens. There is a kindergarten in its center and both schools are home to 300 students and 55 teachers.

The school's founder and CEO, Dr. Billie Konstantara proposes a differentiated education system. This educational system is based on the "Multiple Intelligence" theory developed by Howard Gardner. The DES education approach is unique. Starting in first grade, part of the basic program includes literature, art, storytelling, philosophy, music, coding, mind and intelligence games, STEM, therapy with our farm animals, arbor day, planting vegetables in our greenhouse and nature activities. This arouses curiosity in our students and motivates them Des school is a school that interiorizes the child as a center.

Our goal is to raise individuals who are responsible, self confident, able to stay in the moment, away from anger, with the high motivation and empathy. We raise awareness of our children with various lessons every day so that they can share their feelings and thoughts, show empathy to others, name their feelings and deal with them.

We introduce our students to Mindfulness at an early age. We monitor their development from childhood to help them understand their bodies and inner selves. We serve the purpose of making all our children feel included and making their voice heard actively by using intelligence and attention techniques in all our lessons. Our school is designed to help every child develop while respecting for their personality.





Leading organization: Diadrastiko Europaiko Sxoleio, Greece

This project activity will focus on the effect of motivation on school activities and developing attention and staying in the moment with the mindfulness (Children's yoga) activities. Our activity is planned as 5 days.



Leading organization: Özel İnegöl Doğa Koleji Anaokulu (Turkey)

This project activity will focus on developing attention skills, visual reading and visual attention through orienteering activities. Activity is planned as 5 days.



Lead organization: Dječji vrtić “Pahuljica” (Croatia)

This project activity will focus on the use of the development of auditory attention in school activities, the effects of the design and use of rhythm materials on attention and motivation. Activity is planned as 5 days.



Leading organization: Nesrin Boysan Anaokulu (Turkey)

This project activity will focus on the impact of intelligence games on school activities and on developing attention with intelligence games activities. Activity is planned as 5 days.


In the period from January 27 to February 3, 2023, the first mobility was carried out as part of the Careful kids project. Mobility was held in Greece. The host of this mobility was the Interactive European School DES from Athens, and its project partners are two kindergartens from Turkey (Doga Koleji and Nesrin Boysan Anaokulu) and the Pahuljica kindergarten from Croatia. A total of 12 educational staff from four partners participated in the mobility.

The mobility lasted five days, during which the project participants got to know the Greek school and the activities in the field of mindfulness that they carry out with children of preschool and school age with the aim of developing attention and concentration. The participants had the opportunity to attend the educational work, to try the techniques implemented with children (mindfulness, yoga, mandalas etc.), but also to present their institution from which they come.
The last two days of mobility were dedicated to getting to know Athens, its historical contents and visiting various museums.


In the period from June 19 to 23, 2023, the second mobility was carried out as part of the Careful kids project. Mobility was held in Turkey. The host of this mobility was the educational institution Doga Koleji from Bursa. A total of 12 educational staff from four partners participated in the mobility. The mobility lasted five days, during which the project participants got to know this Turkish educational institution. Also, the hosts presented activities from the field of orientation in space that they carry out with children with the aim of developing attention and concentration. The participants had the opportunity to get to know the educational work of this institution, to try their hand at orientation in space and finding their way around on a map, but also to present the practice of their kindergarten related to orientation in space. The last two days of mobility were dedicated to getting to know the historical and cultural contents of Inegol and Bursa.


Between 4th and 8th September 2023. the third mobility was held within the scope of the Careful kids project.

Mobility was organized in Turkey. The host of this activity was Kayseri Talas Nesrin Boysan Kindergarten educational institution. A total of 11 training personnel from four partners participated in the mobility. The mobility lasted for five days and the project participants had the opportunity to get to know this Turkish educational institution. Intelligence games were applied to increase attention and motivation.

In addition, many educational activities were carried out.

Kayseri Tubitak (Turkish Scientific and Technology Research Council) Center was visited and the participants tested and examined tools that improve attention and motivation.

Everyone designed their own mangala with recycling materials, and beautiful mangala games were made.

They went to Erciyes College and saw many types of mind games, including the Mangala game. In the Mind Games workshop, an applied game workshop was held, in addition, the school's design skill workshops were visited, and to observe how important motivation is, a robot car that works with brain signals was tested and motivation was tested. The participants tried to move the car and were very surprised and wanted to try again with interest. They observed once again how important attention and motivation are.

They visited the Cappadocia region to get to know the historical and cultural texture of the region.


In the period from October 9th to 13th, Kindergarten „Pahuljica“ hosted partners from the Erasmus+ project Careful kids. During that week, a five-day program was prepared for participants from three partner kindergartens, one from Greece and two from Turkey. Rab kindergarten presented its work in the field of encouraging attention and motivation through rhythm and music. In addition to the theoretical introduction to the topic, three practical workshops with children were also prepared, during which the partners could see ways to encourage attention and motivation in children using rhythm and music.

In cooperation with the Rab Dance Society, a workshop was organized in the kindergarten hall, where the participants could try the basics of the Rab dance, learn basic information about the Rab costume and traditional instrument mih.  Also, participants form Turkey transfer some of their knowledge to the Rab dancers. An interesting reception was organized in the Association of Rab Crossbowmen and the activities of the various sections of the Association were shown. The participants tried their hand at drumming, dancing and carrying a crossbow, which was particularly impressive to them.

A workshop on making a Rab cake was organized in the House of Rab Cake and a visit to the Music School of Ivan Matetić Ronjgov, Rab Regional Department, where the students presented themselves with five different instruments, with the professional support of their teachers. A special experience was the guest appearance on Radio Rab and the interesting discussion about the project with the radio host.

The joint gathering was rounded off with a festive dinner with cake, song, dance and distribution of certificates.

This is how this project came to an end. As a product of the year-long work of all partners, a handbook was created in an electronic edition with activities designed to encourage attention and motivation in preschool children.


At the end of October, the "Careful kids" project, which lasted for a year, officially ended. Before the end of the project, a final conference of the project was organized in Pahuljica Kindergarten, where the achieved goals were presented to the professional public, as well as a manual with 48 activities for stimulating attention and motivation, which was created within the project, was presented.

Also, in the same week, a parents' meeting was organized where parents were informed about the importance of encouraging attention and motivation in preschool children. The goals achieved by the project and the manual were presented to the parents. Parents could try some of the activities so that they could spend them at home with their children.

The final conference was also organized in the Turkish kindergarten Nesrin Boysan Kindergarten, where the results of the project were presented to the professional public and government representatives.

E-book: Attention activities


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